Author: kalipaynegrense

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Happy Valentine’s Day!

Happy Valentine’s Day!

Brightening your feed with the bright faces and colorful cards of the KALIPAY children on this day of hearts! Happy Valentine's Day, everyone!

First Holy Communion of the Kalipay Children

First Holy Communion of the Kalipay Children

Today marks the First Holy Communion of the Kalipay children. Officiated by Rev. Fr. Julius Habana, 63 of the Kalipay children professed their faith as they received the body and blood of Christ in the host and wine for the first time.

Kalipay Case Management at Work

Kalipay Case Management at Work

In this post, we shine the spotlight on our Case Management team, and on one of the most important interventions they offer to the KALIPAY children- the Individual Intervention Plan.

A Christmas Message from KALIPAY

A Christmas Message from KALIPAY

The Christmas season always brings out the sentimental in me. As I recall all the hardships we have faced- the ongoing effect of the pandemic, natural calamities, illnesses, and all other challenges