In this post, we shine the spotlight on our Case Management team, and on one of the most important interventions they offer to the KALIPAY children- the Individual Intervention Plan.
At the end of every year, our Social Workers meet with the teachers and Home Parents. Also present in the sessions are the Home Manager, Resident Nurse, and Psychology Associate. Together they review all the interventions that have been provided and implemented to each and every child in KALIPAY. This encompasses all physical, psychological, social, emotional, spiritual, and legal developments that have occurred in the year.
This way our Social Workers get firsthand information on how each child is doing at the Home and at school-providing them with a clear picture if the developmental milestones and the objectives set at the start of the year have indeed been met. And in cases where there are deficiencies, they can create an action plan to address the problems.
After the assessment and planning stage, the completed Intervention Plan for the following year is presented to the Home Parents and Teachers for implementation. This rigorous process ensures that the KALIPAY children get holistic care, and an individualized plan to meet their specific needs.
In KALIPAY, everybody works together with one thing in mind- what is best for the children under our care.