Author: kalipaynegrense

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Kalipay Visitors

Kalipay Visitors

Our Kalipay family gladly expresses our gratitude to our dear visitors from University of the Philippines - Los Banos - La Granja Research and Training Station

Happy Easter!

Happy Easter!

Our whole Kalipay family greets you a Happy Easter! Easter Sunday marks the faithful commemoration of Resurrection of Jesus and is a time of joyful end to the fasting and penitence of Lenten Season.

Meals for Kalipay

Meals for Kalipay

The main observance of Holy Thursday is the reenactment of the Last Supper, which was the final meal Jesus shared with his Disciples in Jerusalem.

Kalipay Outreach

Kalipay Outreach

As part of Kalipay’s Community Outreach Services, our team held a Street Based Program in cooperation with Bacolod City’s Department of Social Services and Development (DSSD).