As the year 2024 unfolds, happy memories and special reconnections happen as Robina, our former Kalipay kid who had been adopted by a couple from Australia in the year 2015 came back to Kalipay to reconnect with her Kalipay family.
She was warmly greeted by the warmth of embraces and smiles inside the Kalipay home and office. The kids and staff were all delighted seeing her familiar face – such a beautiful moment of reminiscing their happy and fun times with her and a perfect time to create wonderful memories to be treasured in the coming years ahead.
The story of Robina reflects Kalipay’s commitment of bringing joy to disadvantaged children in any year or season. As her family, we are very happy seeing her living the life that she deserves – a life filled with dreams, joy, love, care, and hope!
Have a good time with your Kalipay family, Robina!