Meet our six wonderful volunteers this month of November – Ines and Natalia from Spain, Alice and Orlane from France, and Cassandra and Marie from Australia.
Together with them are Tita Anna Balcells – Kalipay’s founder and president, Tita Montse Dosta – Kalipay Spain President, and Tita Astrid Hocking – Chairperson of Hearts and Hands Community Development.
We salute them for their unselfish and gentle hearts to give their time and effort to be with our kids and render impactful services. They have been helping in our farm through vegetable gardening and harvesting eggs, been involved in our school by teaching our kids academic lessons as well as their respective langauages, they are also very active in helping inside our home, especially performing chores inside our kitchen. They also initiate fun and enjoyable activities for our kids.
Kalipay is blessed to meet your generous hearts and incredible skills and talents, our dear volunteers.