One of KALIPAY’s crowning moments happened last November 17, 2022. No less than Executive Director Mhel Sillador witnessed the happy event. Eight years of longing for her family may seem an eternity for Jolly (not her real name), but for us her second family at KALIPAY, those eight years just breezed through as we all await for her to be finally reunited with her family.
KALIPAY’s President/ Founder Anna Balcells believes that to be with Family is a universal right. When situation such as abuse, neglect and extreme poverty, families are sometimes torn apart and remain separated for long periods of time. KALIPAY supports to protect and restore family life of rescued children through family reunification procedures. Reunification with family is our first and foremost goal for every child whenever possible.
Great Job Social Worker Jane, the rest of the KALIPAY’s Case Management Team and the Local Government of Tarlac for finally making this happen before Christmas.