Author: kalipaynegrense

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Kalipay Kid Now A Siliman Graduate

Kalipay Kid Now A Siliman Graduate

KALIPAY is proud to share that one of our children under our Independent Living Program graduated with a degree in Bachelor of Arts in Anthropology from Siliman University!

17 Years

17 Years

Today marks the 17th anniversary of Kalipay, my heart is filled with a profound mix of gratitude, reflection, and renewed determination.

Mother’s Day

Mother’s Day

Today, we celebrate the nurturing souls who fill KALIPAY with love, warmth, and boundless care. Happy Mother's Day to all the incredible mother figures who touch the lives of our children in profound ways!

Public Advisory

Public Advisory

We have recently received information that our name, Kalipay Negrense Foundation, is being utilized by a different party, headed by someone named Arthur Agate.

Cluster Bonding in KALIPAY

Cluster Bonding in KALIPAY

Over the past several days, our afternoons were filled with laughter, friendship, and pure joy as the children from KALIPAY gathered for a cluster bonding session